The Top 10 things you need to do when fishing Alaskan waters.
No video selected.The Top 10 things you need to do when fishing Alaskan waters.
No video selected.on Monday, 18 May 2015. Posted in Article
Film by Ryan Peterson
Ryan Peterson and Salmon Beyond Borders have cooperated in producing a new short film showcasing the downstream Alaska problems associated with new mines being approved and developed across the border in British Columbia. It's a similar story - big money, big industry, and the relentless quest of man to exploit our natural environment for short-term gains.
From the filmmaker:
An open-pit mining boom is underway in northern British Columbia, Canada. The massive size and location of the mines--at the headwaters of major salmon rivers that flow across the border into Alaska--has Alaskans concerned over pollution risks posed to their multi-billion dollar fishing and tourism industries. These concerns were heightened with the Aug 4, 2014 catastrophic tailings dam failure at nearby Mt. Polley Mine in B.C.'s Fraser River watershed.
Take action to help protect our rivers, jobs, and way of life, at
on Thursday, 14 May 2015. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video, Conservation
Sponsored by Crystal Creek Lodge
The Lost Boys of Yantarni is the story of the quirky few, stubborn enough to live and work on one of the most rugged and formidable outreaches of the Alaska Peninsula - a Neverland practically unknown to the angling world. The allure? – giant, dime bright, Coho Salmon that charge into these mile-long rivers with a seek-and-destroy mentality.
Mother Nature still keeps secrets here, never really showing her hand. For the guys running the place, outwitting her is a daily battle. Severe weather, four-legged locals, and never-ending chores stack the odds against them.
“Oh, the glory of being a guide in Alaska . . .”
on Thursday, 14 May 2015. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
Aerial footage compilation highlighting the beauty of S.E. Alaska.
The sheer untamed beauty of Alaska is still strong today. Amidst the chaos of everyday life, there are many places here that make you feel like you are the only person to have ever seen them. No trails, no signs of any other people at all. Just simply wilderness, wildlife, rivers, and fish. These special places are not easy to reach, and pay off for those who are willing to work hard to find them. This video is your shortcut to these types of places.
If you only spend 3 minutes of your day slacking off from work, spend it watching this compilation of beautiful aerial footage from Alaska. If it does not get you excited for you next fishing adventure to the 49th state, I don’t know what will.
on Wednesday, 13 May 2015. Posted in Video
The 2015 S.E. Alaska steelheading season was filled with many adventures, challenges, and triumphs.
No video selected.South East Alaska holds a special place in many anglers’ hearts. The rugged, unforgiving terrain, often gives way to some of the most rewarding and picturesque fishing experiences that can be found anywhere on earth. Lee Kuepper just got home from spending a few weeks exploring, fishing, and photographing this unique portion of the state. He was able to capture some really great images that tell the story of the adventures to be found while steelheading in S.E. Alaska. Enjoy.
If you have not had a chance to experience South East Alaska yet, remember that even though the steelhead season is just about over, the salmon and saltwater fishing will start to heat up soon. Good fishing can be found throughout the region from mid-June all the way through November. So, check out the S.E. Alaska Lodges Page or give us a call to find the perfect fit for your next Alaska fishing adventure.
{gallery}2015 POW{/gallery}
on Sunday, 10 May 2015. Posted in Photo
Get a little vise time in with the Mari-Truder.
Looking to take on some Alaska steelhead this season? Need some suggestions for flies to chase them with? Check out this video showcasing the Mari-Truder, one of the most productive an simple intruder-style steelhead pattern. Tight Lines!
on Tuesday, 14 April 2015. Posted in Video
Mastering the placement of you fly during the set is essential to an efficient cast
No video selected.You will encounter many challenges when working towards becoming a proficient spey caster. Breaking down the casting steps into small, manageable pieces, will simplify the learning process. Progressing in this manner is the quickest way to become a great caster and a productive angler.
Start your understanding with the "lift and set." During this step, your goal is to place the fly in a location that will allow for the most efficient use of your line speed. Ideally, your D-Loop should roll out directly over the top of your fly's initial placement. Touching your rod tip to the water, just a little mid river of your body, will show you where your fly needs to be.
Continue on with the remainder of your cast, focusing on your fly's position. If your D-Loop rolls out directly over the top, you have accomplished step one. There are other circumstances that still may account for a bad cast, but mastering your initial fly placement is a major step in the right direction.
Lee Kuepper is professional guide now calling the Kenai River home, spending his time chasing the Kenai's fabled Rainbow Trout on a regular basis. He is a Pro-Ambassador for Loop USA and is a Certified Fly Casting Instructor through the FFF.
on Monday, 13 April 2015. Posted in Article
A great introduction to our friends at Kenai Riverside Fishing
The Kenai River is known world-wide for it's spectacular salmon and trout fishing, especially since it is one of the few large river systems located on Alaska's limited road system. Kenai Riverside Fishing is located right on the banks of the scenic upper section of the Kenai and a a top notch operation providing guests with first class fishing, lodging, and adventure activities. This video give you a good look into their program and the beauty of the Kenai River.
Find out more about Kenai Riverside Fishing's program here.
on Monday, 13 April 2015. Posted in Video
Wind direction should be one of the first considerations when choosing which spey cast to utilize.
No video selected.If you have ever invested time into researching the numerous different methods of presenting a fly with a spey rod, you may have found yourself overwhelmed with options. Each separate cast requires a certain degree of technical difficulty and has it's own situational value. When it comes down to choosing the right cast, you should first consider the wind direction.
Choosing the right cast when faced with windy conditions can mean the difference between a good day, and one that may result in a trip to the hospital. Make sure you're choosing the correct cast that presents the D-Loop on the upwind side of your body.
Remember, the vast majority of casting situations can be productively fished with two simple casts. Proficiency with the snap-T and double spey over both shoulders will keep you fishing in nearly all situations, regardless of wind conditions. Learn and practice them both. It will be time well spent.
on Monday, 13 April 2015. Posted in Article
A blast from the past on the Brooks River.
Take some time and watch this great vintage Alaska fishing footage from Costa Films based on the Brooks River. Pretty cool to see how this fishery has maintained its integrity and fishing potential over the years. The amount of people visiting has changed for sure, yet it still remains a beautiful and productive piece of water for fishermen and bear viewers alike.
on Monday, 13 April 2015. Posted in Video